This is default featured slide 1 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 2 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 3 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 4 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 5 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

HyperDesk Darkmatter RedShift for window7

Hyperdesk is an exciting new product from The Skins Factory that allows you to transform the appearance of your regular Windows desktop, with an endless array of exciting new desktop themes, skins, wallpapers, widgets and other applications called �hypersuites�.

Using Microsoft's own skinning engine, Hyperdesk uses a �native� and stable way to theme Windows. Because the magic of Hyperdesk occurs entirely in memory, your system files are never touched or replaced. And just as it takes a single button to make the magic happen, a single click will return you to your default Windows desktop.

Each Hyperdesk installation contains a custom hypersuite. These works of art have been painstakingly, hand-crafted by the world's most talented commercial interface artists at The Skins Factory, with the same attention to detail & flawless execution we've become known for throughout the industry.

The DarkMatter: RedShift Windows 7 desktop theme contains 2 distinct hyperthemes in both dark & alloy styles, a WMP/iTunes remote Yahoo! widget featuring mind-blowing animations that have to be seen to be believed, a futuristic icon set that includes multiple folder sets, a sleek Windows Media player skin that will play video (and audio) and an amazing otherworldly high-resolution wallpapers. You will need to download the free application, Yahoo! Widgets to use the hyper-animated audio remote. The widget application is available for free download through the Hyperdesk application. We now apply a custom wallpaper to your logon and logoff screens, skin the custom jump lists and so much more.


32 BITS:

64 BITS:

Avira Antivirus

Avira AntiVir Personal is for personal use only and free of charge. Like much antivirus software, it can run a scan to check disks for malware, and can also run as a background process which checks every file opened or downloaded. It can detect and possibly remove some rootkits. It updates its virus definitions over the Internet, daily by default, also opening a window with an advertisement suggesting that the user purchase Avira AntiVir Premium or Avira Premium Security Suite. Avira updated all its products to version 10.0 in March 2010.

Avira offers a rescue CD image which may be downloaded as an ISO file free of charge and used to write a bootable CD. The CD has its own Linux-based operating system so it does not depend on the host PC's[6]; it can be used to clean an unbootable PC, and may be able to find malware which uses the host's operating system to hide (e.g., some rootkits). The CD image contains the AntiVir program and the virus database current as of the time of download; it boots the machine into the AntiVir program, then scans for and removes malware, possibly also restoring normal boot and operation.

Avira AntiVir Premium has several improvements over the free version, including:

Email scanning (POP3 and SMTP)
WebGuard to block access to malicious sites

Avira AntiVir Premium Security Suite has some more improvements over both versions, including:

Anti Spam for E-mail
Firewall blocks hackers
Backup System to protect and secure important data
AntiBot prevents dangerous botnets from taking over your system
Parental Controls blocks unsuitable websites for Children and Teens

No antivirus software can detect all malware, particularly new versions; known viruses can be detected by characteristic file or memory content, and programs capable of carrying out suspicious but sometimes legitimate activities such as finding passwords or terminating processes can be flagged for attention.


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Window Media Player 12 for window7

Windows Media Player 12 (WMP12) is going to be released as part Windows 7. The main feature of Windows Media Player 12 or WMP 12 is the significantly enhanced and beautified graphical user interface (GUI). Gone and removed is the “Now Playing” button. Instead, “Now Playing” is now a full screen (video size adjustable) playback view with just playback controls.

Other feature of WMP 12 is inclusion of native support for H.264, Xvid and DivX video as well as AAC audio. WMP12 also adds Library View to separates library management from the “Now Playing” window. Library in WMP12 allows user to manage media files such as Playlists, Music, Video, Pictures, Recorded TV, Radio Stations and other media.

The Library View of WMP 12 allows user to use and apply a background image. In fact, WMP12 includes several background image by default. If you don’t like the current background of Windows Media Player 12 Library View, use the following registry hack to modify and change the background image to other included image.


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Portable Adobe photoshop CS5

Adobe Photoshop is a graphics editing program developed and published by Adobe Systems Incorporated.

Adobe's 2003 "Creative Suite" rebranding led to Adobe Photoshop 8's renaming to Adobe Photoshop CS. Thus, Adobe Photoshop CS5 is the 12th major release of Adobe Photoshop. The CS rebranding also resulted in Adobe offering numerous software packages containing multiple Adobe programs for a reduced price. Adobe Photoshop is released in two editions: Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Photoshop Extended, with the Extended having extra 3D image creation, motion graphics editing, and advanced image analysis features. Adobe Photoshop Extended is included in all of Adobe's Creative Suite offerings except Design Standard, which includes the Adobe Photoshop edition.

Alongside Photoshop and Photoshop Extended, Adobe also publishes Photoshop Elements and Photoshop Lightroom, collectively called "The Adobe Photoshop Family". In 2008, Adobe released Adobe Photoshop Express, a free web-based image editing tool to edit photos directly on blogs and social networking sites; in 2011 a version was released for the Android operating system and the iOS operating system.

Adobe only supports Windows and Macintosh versions of Photoshop, but using Wine, Photoshop CS5 can run well on Linux


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Make your Window7 OS Genuine

What is Genuine Windows? Genuine Windows is a copy of Windows that's licensed and published by Microsoft. With a genuine copy of Windows, you're eligible to receive the latest updates from Microsoft. The Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) program is part of what Microsoft describes as its on-going effort to protect its customers and partners from counterfeit software, and increase customer awareness of the value of genuine Windows XP . Microsoft will ask users to validate their Windows when requesting a genuine Windows download from the Microsoft Download Center or Windows Update. To help customers who unknowingly purchased a counterfeit version of Windows XP, Microsoft has created two genuine Windows offers for those who qualify. Complimentary offer: Microsoft will make a complimentary copy of Windows XP available to customers that have been sold counterfeit Windows. Customers will be required to submit a proof of purchase, their counterfeit CD, and complete a counterfeit report with details of their purchase. Only "high-quality" counterfeit Windows will qualify for the complimentary offer.

Download this software to make your Windows 7 Genuine. Unrar and open the software and click INSTALL, wait in a few seconds until your window registered as Genuine.



Sunday, April 15, 2012

Opera 11.62 for Windows

Opera Software proudly announced a few minutes ago the immediate availability for download of the Opera 11.62 web browser for Linux, and Macintosh, and Windows.

As it brings lots of fixes in many areas (mail, news, chat, network, user interface, security) and various stability and security improvements, Opera 11.62 is a recommended update for all Opera users.

Highlights of Opera 11.62:

User interface:

· Last used Find inline type was added for the "Find in page" function;
· Added support for SVG and PDF options in the GTK print dialog;
· Added GTK toolkit support for FreeBSD 9;

· Sluggish file dialog added in the GTK interface;
· Made Opera's clipboard compatible with VirtualBox, Synergy, rdesktop, VNC and VMware;
· The loading order of resources is now more efficient;
· Window control buttons now appear when the close button on tabs is disabled;
· Address field focus is no longer lost after Opera restart when extensions were installed via a toolbar button;
· Turkish, Hungarian and Czech language strings were updated.

Mail, news, chat:

· Made the selected message more consistent when switching the layout;
· Speed up the switching and scrolling view is multi-address messages are used;
· Repaired navigation message list crash;
· Autoselect the last selected message after Opera restart.

Display and scripting:

· Correctly decode various progressive JPEGs;
· Fixed a UserJSEvent crash on Dragonfly;
· Scrolling on Facebook chat was fixed;
· Remember the position of text course if a search match was clicked inside a textarea;
· Correctly display IDNs that start with a number;
· Fixed an error message which was shown when emails were sent to;
· Fixed a crash if a message was posted to the extension background process.


· Fixed support for Shift+F5 and Ctrl+F5 to force reload a web page in order to bypass the cache;
· The URL Turbo mode header reduction no longer generates invalid HTTP messages.


Mozilla Firefox 11

Firefox 11 shipped on March 13, 2012. This article provides information about the new features and key bugs fixed in this release, as well as links to more detailed documentation for both web developers and add-on developers.
Changes for Web developers

The attributes muted and loop on audio and video elements have been implemented.


The element.outerHTML property is now supported on HTML elements.
XMLHttpRequest supports HTML parsing.
The new window.navigator.mozVibrate() method lets you vibrate the device where supported; this is implemented as mozVibrate() on Gecko.
MozBeforePaint events are no longer fired. mozRequestAnimationFrame() consumers who used these should pass a callback function instead.
Support for canceling animation frame requests has been added; window.mozRequestAnimationFrame() now returns a request ID value, which you can pass to window.mozCancelAnimationFrame() to cancel the request.
Several Event constructors (Event, HTML events, UIEvent, and MouseEvent) introduced in DOM4 specifications are now supported.
The Battery API is now enabled by default.
Support for the defaultMuted, loop and muted properties on HTMLMediaElement has been added.
Calling document.mozCancelFullScreen() now restores the previously full-screen element if some other element was in full-screen mode when the current element's element.mozRequestFullScreen() method was called.
The window.mozRequestAnimationFrame() method no longer supports a no-argument form. This form was not used much and is unlikely to become part of the standard.
SVG-as-an-image can now be drawn into a canvas without tainting the canvas.
The non-standard countryCode property of the GeoPositionAddress interface has been removed; see nsIDOMGeoPositionAddress .
Server-sent events now support CORS.
In the past, when the user followed a link, the values set on the window.navigator object were retained by the new page. Now a new navigator object is created for the new page. This makes Firefox behave like all other browsers.


the text-size-adjust property is now supported
CSS3 Conditional Rules are now better supported: nested statements can now be added to @media, @-moz-document. (See CSS Syntax and CSS at-rules).


The SVGSVGElement DOM interface now support the getElementById method.


WebSocket API now supports binary messages (see bug 676439 ).
Both the protocol and the API has been updated to the latest draft of the specification and the API has been unprefixed (see bug 666349 and bug 695635 ).
Previously, messages sent and received using WebSockets in Firefox were limited to 16 MB in size; they may now be up to 2 GB (although memory capacity limitations may prevent them from being that large, Firefox supports it).


The support for IDBFactory.cmp() has been added.
An IndexedDB key can also be of one of the following types: Date, Arrays and Float (and not only String and Integer).


The change in Firefox 8 that removed support for double quote characters as delimiters for RFC 2231 and RFC 5987 has been reverted, as this broke some sites, including Outlook Web Access.

Developer tools

The Page Inspector now offers a 3D view if your system supports WebGL.
The new Style Editor provides a free-form way to edit and compose CSS style sheets in real-time.
The View Source feature now uses the new HTML5 parser instead of the old HTML parser.

Changes for Mozilla and add-on developers
JavaScript code modules

readInputStreamToString() has a new, optional, parameter to configure the character set interpretation while reading the input stream.

New JavaScript code modules

Provides a convenient, easy-to-use source code editor that you can use in your add-ons. This is the same editor used by Scratchpad and other developer tools integrated into Firefox.

Interface changes

The mozIAsyncHistory interface has a new method mozIAsyncHistory.isURIVisited() to check if a URI has been visited.
A new interface mozIVisitStatusCallback has been added to provide callback handling functionality for mozIAsyncHistory.isURIVisited() .
The nsIMacDockSupport interface now supports adding a text badge to the application's icon in the Dock using its new badgeText attribute.
In the nsINavHistoryResultObserver interface, you now need to implement nsINavHistoryResultObserver.containerStateChanged() instead of the obsolete containerOpened() and containerClosed() methods.

Removed interfaces

The following interfaces were implementation details that are no longer needed:


Theme-related changes

The omni.jar file is now called omni.ja.

Preference changes

Specifies the delay, in milliseconds, between the mouse cursor beginning to hover and the display of a tooltip.

Build system changes

The --enable-tracejit build option has been removed.

Other changes

Add-ons that have not been updated in a long time are no longer assumed to be compatible by default; this is currently add-ons that indicate a maxVersion of 4.0.


Red District Themes [Window 7]

Red District Visual Style for Windows 7 is an excellent Desktop Theme developed for Windows 7. Red District Visual Style for Windows 7 has many built-in features with custom desktop background, taskbar, navigation icons, etc. Red District Visual Style for Windows 7 is one of the most downloaded desktop theme for Windows 7. You can download Red District Visual Style for Windows 7 for Windows 7 for free here!

Monday, April 9, 2012

AVG Antivirus

AVG Anti-Virus has gone through many changes over the years but is still one of the handiest free antivirus programs available for personal users.

Despite being a free security tool, AVG Anti-Virus is as good as any paid anti-virus app. It features a bunch of dedicated modules to protect you from antivirus, spyware and rootkits and spam, and also includes the so called LinkScanner – an extra layer of protection that checks search results and web links to make sure they’re safe. In recent years, the developers have added more intrusive features that try to intefere with browser settings such as your preferred search engine but overall, it still remains a good anti-virus option.

One of the best things about AVG Anti-Virus is that it offers neat, effective protection while staying silently minimized in your system tray without guzzling system resources and of course, without constantly bothering you with warning windows or update messages. Since it's the free version of a complete program, AVG Anti-Virus does show the odd nag screen encouraging you to buy AVG Professional, something which may annoy some users.

AVG Anti-Virus features a nicely designed, more user-friendly interface, and includes a desktop widget from which you can scan the system or update the virus database. Of course, you still have the same three types of scan: full system, selected files and folders and anti-rootkit. AVG Anti-Virus also lets you schedule scans for a certain day and time.

The whole AVG Anti-Virus package should be enough to ensure you're not infected with any virus. The program also integrates seamlessly with Windows Explorer, allowing you to scan files from their context menus. AVG Anti-Virus's database is automatically updated on a daily basis, so you're always protected from even the most recently discovered threats. Although AVG Anti-Virus still remains a very powerful packages, there are other anti virus tools - such as Avast! - that do as good a job if not better.

AVG Antivirus remains a perfect security solution for the average computer user, providing a powerful weapon against viruses.


Microsoft Silverlight

Microsoft Silverlight is an application framework for writing and running rich Internet applications, with features and purposes similar to those of Adobe Flash. The run-time environment for Silverlight is available as a plug-in for web browsers running under Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. While early versions of Silverlight focused on streaming media, current versions support multimedia, graphics and animation, and give developers support for CLI languages and development tools. Silverlight is also one of the two application development platforms for Windows Phone.

Over the course of about five years Microsoft has released five versions: The first version was released in 2007; the latest version was released on December 9, 2011. It is compatible with multiple web browsers used on Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X operating systems, and with mobile devices using the Windows Phone and Symbian (Series 60) platforms.

A free software implementation named Moonlight, developed by Novell in cooperation with Microsoft, is available to bring Silverlight versions 1 and 2 functionality to Linux, FreeBSD and other open source platforms, although some Linux distributions do not include it, citing redistribution and patent concerns.
Silverlight provides a retained mode graphics system similar to Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), and integrates multimedia, graphics, animations and interactivity into a single runtime environment. In Silverlight applications, user interfaces are declared in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) and programmed using a subset of the .NET Framework. XAML can be used for marking up the vector graphics and animations. Silverlight can also be used to create Windows Sidebar gadgets for Windows Vista.

Silverlight supports H.264 video, Advanced Audio Coding, Windows Media Video (WMV), Windows Media Audio (WMA) and MPEG Layer III (MP3) media content [dead link] across all supported browsers without requiring Windows Media Player, the Windows Media Player ActiveX control or Windows Media browser plug-ins. Because Windows Media Video 9 is an implementation of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) VC-1 standard, Silverlight also supports VC-1 video. According to the end user license agreement VC-1 and H.264 are only licensed for the "personal and non-commercial use of a consumer". Silverlight, since version 3, supports the playback of H.264 video. Silverlight makes it possible to dynamically load Extensible Markup Language (XML) content that can be manipulated through a Document Object Model (DOM) interface, a technique that is consistent with conventional Ajax techniques. Silverlight exposes a Downloader object which can be used to download content, like scripts, media assets or other data, as may be required by the application. With version 2, the programming logic can be written in any .NET language, including some derivatives of common dynamic programming languages like IronRuby and IronPython.


Winstep Nexus v12.2


The Winstep Nexus Dock is a FREE professional dock for Windows. With Nexus, your most frequently used applications are only a mouse click away - and Nexus turns working with your computer into a fun and exciting experience.

Nexus provides super fast access to your most frequently used applications, with flexible options allowing it to dock or float anywhere on the screen, providing a myriad of "On Demand" possibilities. From it´s generous use of situational sensitive context menus to it´s advanced Drag-n-Drop support, Nexus is not only easy to use - it´s a joy!


Live icon reflections
Dock magnification, swing, bounce, afterglow and many other incredible mouse over effects
Water ripple, fluid surface, fluid reflections and many more dock animation effects
Automatic semi-transparent background blur (Vista and Windows 7 only)
System tray and running programs displayed on dock
Full Drag and Drop support
Full multi-monitor support
Document thumbnails
In-dock modules/widgets
Ability to prevent maximized windows from overlapping the dock
Ability to respect screen space reserved by other applications
Supports adding virtual file system objects such as Control Panel items
Powerful dock manipulation options
Keyboard navigation
PNG and TIF file Support
Complete customization
Quality and performance tested


PASSWORD: makefreetricks


Sunday, April 8, 2012

Mediafire Xpress Uploader

MediaFire is a superb file sharing service. What makes it stand out from the crowd is that a user can upload, download, store, backup and share as much as they want, no limitations. Just create an account on MediaFire for free and then start sharing files with your friends and family. The web interface also shows detailed statistics related to the download of the file. Isn’t it great that we get all these features for free and you don’t need to pay even a single buck for this. MediaFire have recently launched an application for desktop for Windows, Mac, Ubuntu and Fedora and this application is named as MediaFire Express.
Upload Files to MediaFire from Desktop

MediaFire Express is a quick way to backup and share files. Basically this is a desktop application that allows you to upload files to MediaFire by a simple drag and drop interface. The program also allows users to capture screenshot and then upload, save or print that screenshot.

The program’s interface is very simple. It shows you the current status of all services. You can drag and drop a file to this interface to upload it to MediaFire. The status will then change to working and when the file is uploaded, you can see options like view, copy link and close. Copy link option allows you to get the download link of that file and then share it with others.

mediafire express

There are two more methods to upload files to MediaFire. Hover your mouse over system tray and you’ll see this drop-zone. Drag and drop files to this drop-zone to upload.

mediafire interface

Lastly, you can also upload files by right-clicking on it and then clicking on Upload to MediaFire.

mediafire right click

Yes, its really a piece of cake to upload files to MediaFire. This program would have added more value if there would be an option to download files from the user’s account. For example, let’s say you have uploaded 5 files to your MediaFire account. If you want to download those files, then there is no option to download it. You would need to click on My Files to open the web interface and then you can download it from there.

Clicking on “options” opens settings for this application. You can set number of concurrent uploads, SSL uploads, launch or disable on Windows startup and can set many such options.

The biggest plus point of using MediaFire is that there are no limitations. Even a free user can upload unlimited files but each individual file should not be more than 200MB. These limitations are removed by opting for their paid plans.

Watch this


Enjoy uploading!!!

Window 7 Log-on Tweaker

Logon Changer for Windows 7 is a very simple Windows software solution designed to help you customize the logon screen and replace the default background with a picture of your own.

A few clicks should be enough to set up a new logon screen background because the application boasts a straightforward and easy to use interface with only a few options.

This means that we have a dedicated tool to change the logon screen, which is actually the way you can select a brand new photo as the background, as well as a test button to test the new logon appearance.

Just to make sure you're on the safe side all the time and you don't break down the operating system, Logon Changer for Windows 7 provides a so-called “Revert to Default Logon Screen” utility to go back to the default settings.

What you need to know is that the program can only work with photos up to 245 KB in size, but in case you pick a larger image, Logon Changer for Windows 7 automatically creates a copy, resizes and compresses the picture to fit that standard.

Just like its name suggests, the application is exclusively addressed to Windows 7, but users need administrator privileges to apply the new settings and save the created logon screen.

Overall, this is one of the easiest ways to create a new logon screen and thanks to the fact that it boasts a “Revert to Default” settings tool, it can be safely used by beginners and experienced users alike.



Mozilla Firefox version 9.0.1

What’s New in Firefox

The latest version of Firefox has the following changes:

Added Type Inference, significantly improving JavaScript performance
Improved theme integration for Mac OS X Lion
Added two finger swipe navigation for Mac OS X Lion
Added support for querying Do Not Track status via JavaScript
Added support for font-stretch
Improved support for text-overflow
Improved standards support for HTML5, MathML, and CSS
Fixed several stability issues
Fixed several security issues

Please see the complete list of changes in this version. Web and extension developers should also view the curated list of platform changes. You may also be interested in the list of changes in the previous version.

Note: External parties tracking Firefox release uptake should be aware that we manage and monitor the rate of automatic updates to ensure a smooth release. Users can always manually check for updates from the About Firefox window to see whether they are up to date.
System Requirements

Before installing, make sure your computer meets the system requirements.

Mozilla provides Firefox for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X in a variety of languages. You can get the latest released version of Firefox here or the latest development version of Firefox here.

For builds for other systems and languages not provided by Mozilla, see the Contributed Builds section at the end of this document.

Please note that installing a new version of Firefox will overwrite your existing installation of Firefox. You won’t lose any of your bookmarks or browsing history, but some of your extensions and other add-ons might not work until updates for them are made available.

You can remove Firefox with the Add/Remove Programs utility on Windows, by moving the Firefox application to the Trash on Mac OS X, or by deleting the containing folder on Linux.

By default, removing Firefox won’t remove your bookmarks, web browsing history, extensions or other add-ons. This data is stored in your profile folder, which can be found by going to the Help menu and selecting Troubleshooting Information.... The button next to the Profile Directory line in Application Basics will open your profile directory in your system's file explorer.

Please note that if you keep your profile, any version of Firefox that you install after removing Firefox will continue to use the bookmarks, web browsing history, add-ons, and other data from this profile folder.
Add-ons and Themes

You can get Add-ons and Themes by opening the Add-ons Manager, or by visiting the Add-ons Web site. Add-ons installed with previous versions of Firefox may not yet have been updated by their authors to work with this Firefox. If you wish to help test Add-ons, please install the Add-on Compatibility Reporter - your favorite Add-on author will appreciate it!
Known Issues

This list covers some of the known problems with Firefox which will be resolved in future versions:

All Systems

Users of the Twitter search plugin may see Twitter appear in the search provider list multiple times (see bug 690658)
Choosing the "Pop out" menu item while watching fullscreen YouTube videos may cause Firefox to hang (see bug 675645)
Roundcube, webmail software used by many hosting companies, incorrectly displays an ellipses in place of long email titles. The Roundcube team has been notified of the issue (see bug 680610)
Firefox will now display a corrupted content error when it detects certain types of misconfigured servers. This is not a Firefox issue, please contact the website owner (see bug 681140)
For some users, scrolling in the main GMail window will be slower than usual (see bug 579260)
If you try to start Firefox using a locked profile, it will crash (see bug 573369)

Microsoft Windows

Some users of Adobe Reader X have experienced instability when viewing PDF documents in the browser. Uninstalling and reinstalling Adobe Reader X has been determined to resolve the issue (see bug 640901)
Some ALPS touchpad drivers break scrolling in Firefox. A workaround has been identified (see bug 605357)

Mac OS X

Some users may observe missing icons in the History and Bookmarks menus (see bug 705516)
For some users, the preference dialog is not shown and a rendering error (in the form of a white square) is shown instead. This is caused an add-on incorrectly setting Firefox preferences (see bug 641288)
Users running Mac OS X 10.7 may see a crash when the file chooser dialog is shown. Apple has been notified of the issue (see bug 670842)
This version of Firefox will not work on Macintosh hardware with Power PC CPUs (see bug 587799)

Linux and Unix

The video control buttons may not work when viewing QuickTime videos with libtotem (see bug 625036)
Users compiling from source might need a newer gcc and libstdc++ as the build requirements have changed (see bug 578880)


Poorly designed or incompatible extensions can cause problems with your browser, including make it crash, slow down page display, etc. If you encounter strange problems relating to parts of the browser no longer working, the browser not starting, windows with strange or distorted appearance, degraded performance, etc, you may be suffering from Extension or Theme trouble. Restart the browser in Safe Mode. On Windows, start using the "Safe Mode" shortcut created in your Start menu or by running firefox.exe -safe-mode. On Linux, start with ./firefox -safe-mode and on Mac OS X, run:

cd /Applications/
./firefox-bin -safe-mode
When started in Safe Mode all extensions are disabled and the Default theme is used. Disable the Extension/Theme that is causing trouble and then start normally.
If you uninstall an extension that is installed with your user profile (i.e. you installed it from a Web page) and then wish to install it for all user profiles using the -install-global-extension command line flag, you must restart the browser once to cleanse the profile extensions datasource of traces of that extension before installing with the switch. If you do not do this you may end up with a jammed entry in the Extensions list and will be unable to install the extension globally.
If you encounter strange problems relating to bookmarks, downloads, window placement, toolbars, history, or other settings, it is recommended that you try creating a new profile and attempting to reproduce the problem before filing bugs. Create a new profile by running Firefox with the -P command line argument, choose the "Manage Profiles" button and then choose "Create Profile...". Migrate your settings files (Bookmarks, Saved Passwords, etc) over one by one, checking each time to see if the problems resurface. If you do find a particular profile data file is causing a problem, file a bug and attach the file.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I do to help?

We need help from developers and the testing community to provide as much feedback as possible to make Firefox even better. Please tell us what you think or file a bug in Bugzilla.
How can I preview future Firefox releases?

You can preview the future of Firefox by joining our Aurora or Beta development channel.
Where can I get extensions and themes (add-ons)?

Extensions and Themes can be downloaded from Firefox Add-ons.
Who makes Firefox?

Lots of people. See Help->About Mozilla Firefox, and click the "global community" for a list of some of the people who have contributed to Firefox.
Where’s the Firefox source code?

A tarball of the Firefox source code is available for download. The latest development code can be obtained through Mercurial. Firefox-specific source is in mozilla-central's "browser", "toolkit", and "chrome" directories. Please follow the build instructions.
Where is the mail client?

Firefox works with whatever mail client is the default on your system. However, we recommend Mozilla Thunderbird, our next-generation email client and the perfect complement to Firefox.

Contributed Builds

Contributed builds are unofficial builds contributed by the Mozilla Community. They may be configured differently than the official Mozilla builds. They may also be optimized and/or tested for specific platforms. You can browse through the available contributed builds in the "contrib" directory on the FTP site.



Saturday, April 7, 2012

Warcraft III: Frozen Throne

Warcraft III

Many months have
passed since
Archimonde and the Burning Legion were defeated
at the Battle of Mount Hyjal… The stalwart night elves, led
by the Arch Druid, Furion
Stormrage and the Priestess
Tyrande Whisperwind, have
vanished back into the
shadows of Ashenvale Forest - intent to heal the ancient
lands that were scarred by the
Legion’s vile corruption. The battle-weary orcish
Horde, led by the idealistic
Warchief, Thrall, has settled in
the harsh, eastern hills of the
Kalimdor Barrens. Finally able
to claim a homeland of their own, the orcs work tirelessly
to found and protect their
new nation of Durotar. The human survivors of
Lordaeron, under the
command of the Sorceress,
Jaina Proudmoore, have also
settled along the eastern coast
of the Barrens. The island citadel of Theramore was
erected to safeguard the last,
rag-tag remnants of the
failing human Alliance. …And Arthas, the newly
crowned King of Lordaeron,
has driven the undead Scourge
to eradicate the last vestiges
of resistance to his iron rule.
His kingdom - the once proud bastion of human might and
nobility - has become a
plagued realm of death and
sorrow. Now, driven by
haunting visions of the Frozen
Throne of Icecrown, Arthas plans to tighten his grip over
the rest of the world.
Download Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne

Friday, April 6, 2012

Internet Download Manager (IDM)

Internet Download Manager(IDM)

Internet Download
Manager (IDM) is a tool to increase download speeds by
up to 5 times, resume and
schedule downloads.
Comprehensive error
recovery and resume
capability will restart broken or interrupted downloads due
to lost connections, network
problems, computer
shutdowns, or unexpected
power outages. Simple
graphic user interface makes IDM user friendly and easy to
use.Internet Download
Manager has a smart
download logic accelerator
that features intelligent
dynamic file segmentation and safe multipart
downloading technology to
accelerate your downloads.
Unlike other download
managers and accelerators
Internet Download Manager segments downloaded files
dynamically during download
process and reuses available
connections without
additional connect and login
stages to achieve best acceleration performance. Internet Download Manager
supports proxy servers, ftp
and http protocols, firewalls,
redirects, cookies,
authorization, MP3 audio and
MPEG video content processing. IDM integrates
seamlessly into Microsoft
Internet Explorer, Netscape,
MSN Explorer, AOL, Opera,
Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla
Firebird, Avant Browser, MyIE2, and all other popular
browsers to automatically
handle your downloads. You
can also drag and drop files, or
use Internet Download
Manager from command line. Internet Download Manager
can dial your modem at the
set time, download the files
you want, then hang up or
even shut down your
computer when it's done. Other features include
multilingual support, zip
preview, download
categories, scheduler pro,
sounds on different events,
HTTPS support, queue processor, html help and
tutorial, enhanced virus
protection on download
completion, progressive
downloading with quotas
(useful for connections that use some kind of fair access
policy or FAP like Direcway,
Direct PC, Hughes, etc.), built-in
download accelerator, and
many others. IDM
download panel for web-
players that can be used to
download flash videos from
sites like YouTube,
MySpaceTV, and Google Videos. It also features
complete Windows 7 and
Vista support, YouTube
grabber, redeveloped
scheduler, and MMS protocol
support. The new version also adds improved integration for
IE and IE based browsers,
redesigned and enhanced
download engine, the unique
advanced integration into all
latest browsers, improved toolbar, and a wealth of other
improvements and new
Download IDM Here